Festival of Rescue 2024: Fire Cadets Casualty Care Challenge
Hosted by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service
Fire Cadets Casualty Care Challenge 2024 in association with NFCC UK Fire Cadets supported by LIVES
This challenge takes place on Saturday 28 September 2024
This is the fourth year that UKRO are running a cadets challenge in association with UKFC. LIVES are joining us for a second year providing the assessors for the competition.

This year the event has been expanded to include up to 12 teams from across the UK. In addition, we have introduced a workshop and our Hosts are planning some additional materials.
The emphasis for the challenge is on developing a young person’s life skills, as well as demonstrating their amazing ability to provide first aid care should they ever find themselves in a situation that requires it. The ethos of the event is not merely to win the event. It is more about improving confidence and self-belief in order that they are better able to make positive decisions, engage within their communities and grow into productive young adults.
I am delighted to support our Fire Cadets being an integral part of the UKRO National event again this year which is being hosted by Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Fire Cadets showcase how our young people have a significant contribution to the safety of our communities and the event challenge will be a great opportunity to see our fantastic Cadets in action, demonstrating their skills and knowledge they have developed as part of their Cadet programme and focusing on their casualty care skills.
Fire Cadets is a National Fire Chief Council (NFCC) supported initiative that develops young people from ages 13-17 in life skills, teamworking, and knowledge that reflects the Fire Service’s key objectives. There are 39 Fire Services that support Fire Cadet Unit across the UK with over 3200 cadets partaking in the programme.
The aim of the Challenge is to bring together teams of young people from across the country to participate in a national event which, not only displays their casualty care abilities, but also develops their confidence and personal development by representing their Fire Service in a competitive event. The specific areas that the Fire Cadets will be demonstrating within casualty care are safety, communication skills, casualty care and how they use their equipment.
As my role of Vice Chair of UKRO I am enormously proud to see the growing partnership between Fire Cadets and UKRO. UKRO values the development of young people within our communities and recognises the significant contribution they have in keeping our communities safer. As the NFCC Lead for Fire Cadets, I am also grateful to the UKRO board for this support and particularly looking forward to Hampshire and Isle of White hosting this year’s event which I know will be another fantastic spectacle that our Fire Cadets will get so much from.
So, please come and say hello to our Fire Cadets at this year’s Festival of Rescue at Hampshire and Isle of Wight and see the high standard of skills on display and of course good luck to all our teams that are involved in this year’s event.

Mark Baxter
NFCC Lead for Fire Cadets & UKRO Vice-Chair and Trustee
Information for Challengers and Volunteers
The challenge will be taking place at the Historic Dockyard in Portsmouth. See the venues page for the location of the event.
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